Keysborough College Visit

Written by Anthony Ly

Following through on our mission to educate the wider community, Precious Plastic Monash visited Keysborough College on Tuesday 14th May 2019 with the team’s Integration Unit and team members filled with excitement. The display was set up with the four machines and fascinating products made from recycled plastic, turning the heads of hundreds of high school students.

The team presented to several classes, including Year 8 Innovate and Year 11 STEM, delivering an educational presentation and finishing with an interactive activity that encourages the students to sort and recycle plastic. The students showed genuine enthusiasm and were captivated by the ability to turn what some would simply throw away to landfill into functional, elegant products.

Both students and teachers alike expressed the desire to build their own machines in the future to fabricate their own products, highlighting the impact that this initiative can have on reducing plastic pollution.

Thank you to Keysborough College for generously welcoming us to display the hard work our team puts in and we hope to continue our collaboration in the future!

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